Ash@XFC 19 (July 2013)


Our Trainer Ash entered the cage a few weeks back for his second MMA fight against 3 time Australian taekwondo champion Kyle Parmley.

Ash faught well but got caught in the third round with a knee to the head which ended the fight.

This puts Ash's official MMA fight record at 1 win 1 lose, we look forward to his next appearance in the cage.

Keep driving forward Ash

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.


Our trainer Ash stepped up saturday(18/5/13) with only 3 days notice to compete in his first Amatuer MMA fight and came away victorious!! This puts his official MMA record at 1-0 (1 wins 0 loses). Check out the fight video below guys and girls!! Awesome work Ash!! Keep up the good work!!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.



WOW!! What an epic challenge!! The hills on this 13km challenge seemed endless.....just when you thought you were about at the top the track veered off into another rocky dry hill, and another.....and another.

It was such a hot day, and we had to choose the 12:40 wave (start time) didn't we! It was releiving everytime we made it to an obstacle, even though some of them were quite difficult, just to be able to stop uphill running for a couple of minutes.

After running, climbing and jumping for what seemed like forever we finally made it to the massive mud slide and the muddy water was just so unbelievably refreshing. There was another water obstacle directly after the mudslide and doing the two one after another cooled us off and gave us the energy needed to soldier on.

After about 10km the uphill battle finally ended and we got to head back downhill for the last 3 kms and another 14 challenging obstacles..........we were sooo happy to cross the finish line on this one, it was tough!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Lockdown 7


Our trainer Ash entered lockdown 7(Grappling/Submission comp) last saturday (2/2/13) and worked hard enough to come away with the silver medal in the heavyweight division at the end of the day!

It was a hard slog with Ash entering the cage 6 times against some tough opponents over the course of the day.

Ash had already secured the silver medal and was out for gold in the last round...only to get caught in aguillotine choke at about 2 minutes of the last round.

Ash was happy enough with his placing at the end of the day as he had only managed the bronze in Lockdown 6 and was able to upgrade to silver in Lockdown 7.

Keep training hard Ash!!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

What will you do in 2013??

2013 is the year to focus on YOU! YOUR GOALS, YOUR DREAMS, YOUR SUCCESS!

It is important to allow time for yourself; put yourself first for an hour or so a day to do something to make yourself feel better. In doing this you will feel better about yourself which in turn will make you a better partner/parent/co-worker/boss.

For most people fitness and losing weight tops the chart for their New Year's resolution. If this is your goal then be a 'Doer' not a 'Gonna!' Make this your year and push for success!! Commit to your goal of having the body and fitness you desire. Aim for extraordinary things; by pushing your limits you will never be disappointed.

At Perfect Form Fitness our trainer Ash dedicates his time with you during your session to ensure optimal results are achieved. Each session is a minimum of 40 minutes so that your session includes a proper warm up and warm down and are tailored specifically to your individual needs.

For optimal results to achieve your fitness goals a minimum of 3 x 40 mins per week is required.

With 362 days left in 2013 be a 'Doer' and contact Ash for your free consultation and first training session at half price.

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

The Three C's

Can anybody tell me three words that start with the letter C that so many people are just terrified of ?.......No??

Well heres the first one 'change'.

Whether for the better or worse, whether related to exercise or not, change scares so many people.

People are afraid of change because it is the unknown, change can be difficult as it takes us out of our comfort zones.

And let's face it humans like to be comfortable and don't like to expend more energy than needed.

But in the end, change is needed by all of us who are failing where we wish to succeed.


Word number two is 'commitment'.

Most people would say that commitment is a positive word, and used the right way it is, for example:

"I will make a commitment to train harder and eat cleaner".

But so many of us are unknowingly using the word in a negative light, for example: If every thursday night is 'Macca's night' then we have made a commitment to poor eating habits on a thursday night.

Or if we indulge in a chocolate bar everyday at morning tea time with our cappuccino, then we are forming a habit which becomes a sub-conscious commitment to gain body fat.

That's 52nights of Macca's or 300 plus chocolate bars per year!! Can't tell me that's not going to have a negative impact on our physique!!

Commitment needs to be made to good things to have a positive outcome!!


Let's move on to word number 3 'Consistency'.

This is another word which needs to be used in a positive manner, for example if we train hard and eat well with consistency, we will achieve our health and fitness goals.

But if we have consistency in sitting on the couch stuffing our faces with crap, we will become  super unfit, lazy slobs!! Which is no ones goal........I hope!!

All that sounds quite easy now doesn't it??..................That's cause it is!!

Don't let your fitness, weightloss and muscle gain goals overwhelm you!!

Break it down into the three C's and you'll be on the road to success!!






Personal trainer/Bootcamps

Alexandra Hills

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Perfect Form Fitness @ WARRIOR DASH!!


Coral and Ash entered the Warrior Dash last weekend (10/11/12) and had an awesome time playing in the mud......ha ha.

In all seriousness though this was a tough course!! All competitors, which there were over 4500 were looking for gold as this was a timed event!! And in the pouring rain too!! It was soooo muddy that it was hard just to stay standing in the slush, let alone run at speed up massive inclines for 5km!!

The obstacles were challenging to complete at a fast pace but Coral and Ash got the job done in great time with Coral coming in at 40.06 minutes and Ash crossing the line in 30.54 minutes.

Here at Perfect form fitness WE LOVE MUD RUNS!! So this is really just a warm up to next years Kokoda grunt 15km and Tough mudder 22km challenges.

Until next time warriors.......KEEP TRAINING HARD!!



Personal trainer/Bootcamps

Alexandra Hills

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.


Last saturday Nov 3 our trainer Ash entered Lockdown 6 (submission/grappling comp) and did us proud for his first time in the cage.

It was an elimination competition where competitors engaged in a 5 minute round with each opponent, lose against two opponents and your out. 

Ash came 3rd in the lightheavy weight division, with 6 competitors in his division he won his 1st two battles and lost the second two. 

Perfect form Fitness Training is Proud of Ash's performance and look forward to the next time we see him in the cage!!

Congratulation Ash!! Keep up the good work!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.



This weekend Perfect form fitness training has a courageous team of six entering STAMPEDE!!

Our team (Perfect formula) will run through mud, fire and feilds of live electric wires, climb over buses, jump into ice pools, crawl through dark muddy tunnels, slide down massive slip 'n' slides, rope swing over creeks and much more over the challenging 10km course.

This event will challenge all our members in every way with those focussed on strength training, cardio fitness, boxing, bootcamps and general fitness all getting put through their paces.



Personal trainer/Bootcamps

Alexandra Hills

Update on September 19, 2012 by ash

Wow!! Stampede was so much fun!! EVERYONE HAD AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!!!

Our team of six unfortunately got cut down to four due to a couple of team members struck down by injury. (next time guys:)). 

 The four remaining team members flew through the obstacles with ease and kept the run at a good pace the entire time, they were unstoppable!!-Good work Coral, Sarah, Azza and Ash!!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Bridge to Brisbane team (part 2)


Our bridge to Brisbane team had AWESOME results on the weekend with 3 members crossing the line in under 54 minutes and everyone beating their personal bests!!

It was really great to see everyone taking themselves out of their comfort zone and really testing themselves out in the 10 km event!!

A big congratulations to all Perfect form fitness training's Bridge to Brisse crew for running their hearts out!! You all did Perfect form fitness training proud!! Thanx Coral, Sarah, Anita, Tracy, Nat and Ash for your amazing effort!!

*A note to everyone out there who has considered an event like this but couldn't bring themselves to do it-Most of these guys are not runners, just everyday people who show up every week to Perfect form fitness training's Boxing classes or bootcamps at Camp hill, Cooparoo, Alexandra hills or do a couple PT sessions a week at our studio and decided to join the team and have a go. Whatever your time is, just crossing the finish line at an event like this is an awesome feeling of achievement, so don't hold back any longer give us a yell and get started training with us so that you too can feel like an unstoppable champion!!  

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Bridge to Brisbane team

Perfect form fitness training is proud to announce that a group of its courageous ladies has decided to come together to form a team (Perfect form fitness training) for this sunday's Bridge to Brisbane 10km run!!

It should be noted that most of these ladies are not by any means conditioned runners and so the run will be a great challenge for them to be stepping up for!!

So a big shout out to Nat, Coral, Sarah, Tracy and Anita for commiting themselves and taking the plunge!!

Good luck on Sunday ladies!!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Congratulations ELIZMA!!! (Gold Coast half marathon)

A MASSIVE shout out to one of our hard working bootcampers Elizma Lambert for her super star performance competing in the Gold Coast half marathon last sunday morning!!  Out of around 10,000 competitors she came in 12th place with a time of 1hr 20 minutes!!

That's 3 minutes 48 seconds per kilometre!! Amazing stuff Elizma!!

Elizma is a great example of someone who trains hard and eats clean all year round, she makes no excuses and just gets the job done, you are an inspiration Elizma, here at Perfect Form Fitness we are proud to have you training with us!! Keep up the good work!!

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Ash & Coral at ANB Asia Pacific Natural Bodybuilding Championships

Ash and Coral competed together in Mixed pairs category on the weekend at the ANB show, with a great result placing 5th in their category-due to their Awesome routine!!

It was a tough line up and an Awesome show with congratulations going out to all the competitors that got up on stage to show off their hard work and months of dieting-Keep up the good work people!!   Without these guys doing the hard yards there would be no show!!

There are a number of photos of the day in Perfect Form Fitness Training's Gallery and the video of Ash & Coral's routine can be viewed on our Facebook page "PerfectForm FitnessTraining".

Great work Ash & Coral!!


Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Coral Symonds at INBA 2012

Congratulations to the beautiful Coral Symonds for gracing the stage with her lovely presence at sundays INBA show.

It was a last minute disicion for Coral to compete in this show as her and Ash are currently preparing for mixed couples at ANB robina in two weeks, but she looked absolutely stunning and Perfect form fitness training was proud to sponsor her at this event.


Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

ANB 2012 Asia Pacific Body Building Championships

My partner Coral and I (Ash) are entering mixed pairs and have been practicing hard to perfect our routine for the night. Anyone keen to come check us out feel free.

Show starts at 11am through to evening show and will be held at: 196 Robina Town Centre Drive ( Cnr San antonio Court), Robina. Date SUNDAY 10th June 2012.

Should be a great night!!

See you there:)

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

Using a cheat meal to your advantage

Now before I begin....just to be clear....A CHEAT MEAL ONLY WORKS IF YOUR DIET IS GOOD THE REST OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!

Most people probably think that the main reason we have a cheat meal is just to remain sane whilst sticking to a lean meal plan 95% of the time. Well don't get me wrong, it does do exactly that.

But when the goal is to get lean it's not the main reason we have a cheat meal, when we begin a lean meal plan where we put our body into a calorie deficit, our body will begin to burn more fat (did you know when you eat a piece of broccoli you body burns more calories processing that piece of broccoli than it actually contains, so just eating a piece of broccoli without doing any exercise will burn fat!!).

After a couple weeks our body realises what we are doing, gets used to the lean eating, our metabolism slows down and stops burning fat (we plateau).

Having ONE cheat meal per week when sticking to a clean lean diet will have a positive affect on fat loss. When we plateau, having a cheat meal basically resets our metabolism and because we have been eating so clean, our body just wants to get rid of the fatty cheat meal quickly.

Also a cheat meal will fill the muscles with glycogen giving them a fuller look and giving us energy for the workout ahead.

While I'm on the subject, two small tips:

Don't leave your cheat meal for your last meal (when you sleep your metabolism slows down and your cheat meal won't be as effective).

Make sure you train on the day of your cheat meal (If you can, make your cheat meal before your workout).

Eating this way will make you really appreciate this meal, it will be a treat that you look forward to, it becomes so much more enjoyable than when you eat crap all the time and helps you look good to boot!!

A cheat meal can be whatever you like, pizza, a hamburger, donuts, you name it. But a cheat meal is a CHEAT MEAL, not a cheat day or a cheat evening.

So if fat loss is your goal life isn't so bleak!!

At least not all week long :)

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.

LIFE-(what is life?)

Well...simply put I guess, life is a series of movements propelled by choices we make.

Our success in life depends greatly on the solidarity of the focus we keep as well as learning from the mistakes we make.

Breaking it all down, to succeed in individual pursuits takes a constant, strong will and tunnel vision style focus on the task at hand. As we are all different from one another, no two people's paths are the same and therefore require different balances of all these qualities.

I believe that each person's success depends largely on ones ability to tap into the inner strength that is possessed deep within us all.

So whatever your goal.....FIND THE STRENGTH YOU NEED TO STAY FOCUSSED......LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD AND KEEP PUSHING FORWARD!!! Eventually you will get there.   :)

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.