What will you do in 2013??

2013 is the year to focus on YOU! YOUR GOALS, YOUR DREAMS, YOUR SUCCESS!

It is important to allow time for yourself; put yourself first for an hour or so a day to do something to make yourself feel better. In doing this you will feel better about yourself which in turn will make you a better partner/parent/co-worker/boss.

For most people fitness and losing weight tops the chart for their New Year's resolution. If this is your goal then be a 'Doer' not a 'Gonna!' Make this your year and push for success!! Commit to your goal of having the body and fitness you desire. Aim for extraordinary things; by pushing your limits you will never be disappointed.

At Perfect Form Fitness our trainer Ash dedicates his time with you during your session to ensure optimal results are achieved. Each session is a minimum of 40 minutes so that your session includes a proper warm up and warm down and are tailored specifically to your individual needs.

For optimal results to achieve your fitness goals a minimum of 3 x 40 mins per week is required.

With 362 days left in 2013 be a 'Doer' and contact Ash for your free consultation and first training session at half price.

Saul Edmonds

Roundhouse: All our endeavours are highlighted by our strong belief in the collaborative process and creative powers that bind them. We are dedicated to developing great design and to making your next project a success.